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Awarded 4 Cows by Tucows!

Upon review of your program (Activ E-Book Compiler) we have decided to add it to our site with the rating of 4 cows. This puts you in with the elite (in our opinion) of home office and business related software.


Activ E-Book Compiler is a true bargain! I was amazed at how easy it was to use and the extra password protection and ESBN features are worth the price many times over...

Eva Almeida

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Some comments/awards may refer to previous versions of this software
(please see the box in the footer of this page for important disclosures regarding awards and users' comments)

Activ E-Book Features

Activ E-Book Compiler is
  • Incredibly easy to use
  • A turnkey system that any aspiring electronic publisher can use
  • Comes with complete instructions
  • Works on computers with Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT4, Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows Vista (requires Internet Explorer 4 or later)
  • Available for immediate download

Here's just some of what you get in the free version of Activ E-Book Compiler:
  • Unlimited E-Books: Create as many E-Books as you want.

  • Royalty Free: There are absolutely no royalties or on-going fees to use the system.

  • Easy Distribution: Each E-Book is a self-contained Windows program. You can distribute them on any media you like, including by Internet download, by e-mail, floppy disk, CD-ROMs, ZIP disks.

  • Incredibly Easy to Use: Attractive modern Windows user interface with easy to use buttons and menus. Makes creating E-Books a snap.

  • Complete Documentation: Straightforward documentation explaining every menu option - every command - and every option in the program. The documentation even covers the steps you should take before using the program. - like how to design HTML files that compile into a high quality E-Book.

  • Compatibility: E-Books created using Activ E-Book use the exact same "engine" as Internet Explorer. This means total compatiblility with the world's most popular web browser including support for HTML, DHTML, images & animations, JPEG and PNG graphics, JavaScript, VBScript, and most Internet Explorer plug-ins.

  • Internet Linking: Use standard HTML features to include links to relevant web sites in your E-Book. When a user clicks on a link to a web site, the program even opens Internet Explorer giving them a chance to connect if they're not already connected. ...And yes, you can even link to your own web site to draw traffic!

  • Password Protection:
    • You can password protect your entire E-Book, or just protect selected pages and allow your users to see a preview of part of the book before they get their password.
    • You can boost your ezine subscription rate by requesting readers sign-up before you give them them password.
    • You can customize the message shown when a user accesses a password protected page.
    • You can even allocate up to 1,000 different passwords per E-Book - each user will require a different one from this pool - to prevent password "sharing".
    • You can even link directly to a form or page on your web site for that specific user to get the password that'll work for him.

  • Powerful Testing Features: Test out how your E-Book would look and work with and without the correct password (assuming you have one) - switch between the 2 modes at any time with a click of the mouse. Compile or Run your E-Book in seconds for truly Rapid Application Development.

  • Save your Projects: Unlike some other compilers you don't have to re-input all your settings each time you want to create a new version of an E-Book. Simply save all your settings - and continue later at any time you're ready.

  • HTML Protection: Right-mouse clicking is controlled by your choice of setting in your E-Books. You can disable it completely or allow access to a limited menu (which does not include View Source). This helps protect your HTML source and stop thieves from easily stealing your valuable page designs.

  • Branding: Every E-Book you create includes your name, your company name, your copyright message, and even a link to your web site - and your e-mail address or auto-responder address if you want it!

    (various options in the compiler, may allow you to turn off visible display of most of this info, or design your own page for it, if wanted).

  • Unique Serial Numbers: Every E-Book includes a unique serial number (we call this an "ESBN" - it's a similar idea to "ISBNs" used for off-line books). This gives you yet another way to keep track of, and manage distribution.

  • Viral Marketing: You can create and give away free E-Books, and allow others to do the same. As word about your E-Book spreads, more and more people may distribute your E-Book, and each one becomes a Self-Replicating Traffic Generator.

  • ...and of course tons more that I haven't even mentioned yet!

But wait, there's still more...
  • Icon Customization: Every E-Book can have its icon. The software comes with over 700 icons for you to choose from - or you can create your own unique icons in your favorite icon editor. (icon editor not included)

  • Shareware-Style E-Books: Set your E-Books to expire after a set number of days or uses, unless the password is entered. Giving your users a free trial of all or part of your E-Book is an incredibly powerful tool that can skyrocket your sales.

  • User Interface Customization: Turn on or off the availability of toolbars, status bars, colors, text labels on buttons, and more. Create kiosk-style E-Books. Customize the colors of "system" pages. Choose the starting screen position and size of your E-Books. You can even set your E-Books to float on top of other windows (great for instructional guides).

  • Splash Screens and Start-Up Messages: Add a splash screen graphic to your E-Book and/or a pop-up message box.

  • Built-in Search Engine: An extremely customizable search engine is built-in to your E-Books. If you are creating references or How To manuals, your readers will love this feature.

  • Auto Installation Options: Your E-Book can prompt users when first run, and add its icon automatically to the Start menu or Desktop.

  • Add-In Programs/Scripts: Kick-off external programs or files on specified events such as when your E-Book is started or closed, or when the correct or incorrect password is entered.

  • File Compression: Creating really large E-Books? You'll be glad to know the latest version of Activ E-Book automatically compresses all your files when compiling E-Books. This can significantly reducing the file size and making it easy and quick for users to download your E-Books.

  • Integrity Self-Check: E-Book's created with Activ E-Book Compiler perform a self-test on start up. If you're planning on distributing E-Books over the Internet, you'll be pleased know this gives you protection from common file corruption problems that can be caused by "noisy" modems or Internet connections.

  • Affiliate Referral Code Stamping: Join our free affiliate program and you can earn additional income by telling people about our software. Better yet, you can stamp every E-Book you make with your Affiliate Code, which means if a reader of your E-Books learns about, and later buys online, our software - you get paid for it!

...And there's still even more.

Our latest version includes a truckload of additional features, including heavy duty features for power users, great documentation, and superb tools to get you started quickly.

A full list of power features included in the Activ E-Book Compiler would to several pages!

But you can see a list of some these Hot Features on our Power Features page.

And the best part: You get absolutely everything we've listed so far for free. Download Now and see for yourself!

After you've tried the free version, if you like what you've seen, then register online for just US $49.95* (Sales Tax or VAT may also apply - see note at the bottom of this page - UK price including VAT @20% is US $59.94 with Sterling price varying depending on exchange rates), and you'll get absolutely everything we've listed so far, and all this as well:
  • Unlimited Profit Potential: You can sell your E-Books, or access to the password protected sections of E-Books you create.

    And remember, if you enter more than one password per E-Book (we allow up to 1,000 passwords - but you can have as many users as you like), different users will require a different passwords - preventing users from "sharing" passwords with their friends.

    This is an incredibly powerful capability that not only helps protects your intellectual property, but also makes it easy for you to earn profits even while you're doing something else. For example, if you use ClickBank as your solution for accepting credit cards this is ideal: put each password on a different web page and you can make access to each password into "link for sale" - totally automatically, with no programming or complicated technical stuff, and earn money even while you sleep!

  • Create Massive E-Books: you can put hundreds or even thousands of source files into your E-Book1.

  • Maximum Security3: Prevent users from copying from (to the clipboard) or printing your E-Books - unless you want them to be able to do this.

  • Full Control: Create your own cover page for your E-Books.

  • Free Upgrades2: If we release a new version of Activ E-Book Compiler it is our policy to make it available free to download for registered users. We therefore ask users to retain all details of their purchases.

* All online purchases are made from our retailer, Click Sales Inc. ("CLICKBANK"). US $49.95 price does NOT include Sales Tax or Value Added Tax ("VAT"). UK price including VAT @20% is US $59.94 with Sterling price varying depending on exchange rates. Sales Tax applies to purchases made by residents of some US states, territories, districts and possessions (including, but not limited to, the residents of the State of New York). Value Added Tax ("VAT") is applicable to purchases made by residents of European Union countries, and (if applicable) is charged at the appropriate national rate for that country. The amount of Sales Tax or VAT (if any), and the total price of the product, is shown on the secure order form, after you select your country/state of residence, but before you give final confirmation that you do want to proceed with the purchase.

1Some limits may apply because of memory, disk space and performance limits on your computer, plus of course common sense.

2Over the past few years we have produced several upgrades, each adding many new functions, and have made always made these versions available free of charge to registered users. We hope to continue improving our software in future, and we will not charge registered users for to download any upgrades that we release. We do not however guarantee that indefinitely into the future that we will keep producing and releasing new versions.

3Security features are designed to protect only against the most common forms of Windows printing/copying. Advanced users, or users with additional software tools, may be able to find means to bypass our security features.


Please contact us if you have questions.

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Important Disclosures regarding the users' comments and awards that are mentioned or appear on this website:
  • All awards and users' comments were received from third parties,
  • All awards and users' comments are the opinions of their authors. Their opinions, results and experiences are not necessarily typical, may differ from those of a typical user, and may differ from yours.
  • The majority of users' comments come from people who have purchased the software and who we have asked for their opinion. However, most awards, and some users' comments, come from people or organizations who have been given or offered a free copy of the software for review purposes and/or personal use.
  • Awards are simply opinions expressed by third party website operators.
  • Awards and users' comments are not intended to be read as, and are not presented as, being expert opinions.
  • Some awards and users' comments may refer to previous versions of the software. Additionally, bonuses included with the software vary from time-to-time, and may have varied at the time of the award/comment.
  • All awards and users' comments are kept in hardcopy file by the company.
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